The Purpose of this meeting
Present the proposed 8’ pathway
Provide an update on this project
Receive comments on the proposed design
Project Description
This Public Meeting involves one (1) of the original 24 locations as approved in the 2018 One Cent Sales Tax for Sidewalks and Multi-use Pathways project. Although Alljoy Road was not recognized as one of the 14 priority pathways during the first Pathway Project Virtual Public Meeting held October 19, 2020 through November 20, 2020, based on comments received, it along with 7 other locations was recommended to proceed into design. Click Meeting 1 Summary and Recommendation for additional information.
Alljoy Road is a SCDOT-owned and maintained roadway. It has a present 37.5′ right of way from centerline of roadway or total 75′ width from Burnt Church Road to Thomas Lawton Drive. For the Alljoy Road “Loop,” the right of way changes and exhibits are shown below for the right of way around the “Loop”.
Alljoy Road Pathway This conceptual plan shows the proposed 8’ pathway from Burnt Church Road to Shad Avenue.
Click on blue text to open full scale exhibits
This meeting is in association with recent stakeholder meetings. On Friday, May 21, 2021, a virtual meeting was held with representatives of the Alljoy Preservation Commission to discuss the proposed pathway and how it may affect the Allljoy Road “Loop”. During this meeting, an in-person meeting was requested, and this meeting was conducted on Saturday, June 12, 2021. Several exhibits were prepared for the Alljoy Road “Loop” and presented with one exhibit showing a conceptual option to accommodate the 8’ pathway for access to the public amenities: boat landing and Brighton Beach. To minimize impacts to the properties, a one-way travel lane from Thomas Lawton Drive intersection is proposed around the “Loop.” The exhibits presented were:
- Existing Conditions – Existing travel patterns
- Proposed Conditions – Proposed travel patterns
- Alljoy Rd Conceptual – Proposed 8’ pathway conceptual exhibit and one-way travel lane which utilizes existing roadway and present right of way (R/W). This conceptual plan impacts three driveways between Thomas Lawton Drive and the 1st curve. The proposed pathway is separated from the travel lane by a 4-FOOT wide x 4-INCH high concrete island and the concrete island will not block existing driveways.
- 760 Ext Alljoy Rd – SCDOT Present R/W from Thomas Lawton Drive to the 1st curve
- 271 S-13 Alljoy Rd RW – SCDOT Present R/W from 1st curve around the “Loop”
To address comments from the June 12, 2021 meeting, two other conceptual exhibits were developed for the one-way option around the “Loop”
- Alljoy Rd Conceptual_Alt1: Proposed 8’ pathway conceptual exhibit and one-way travel lane, similar to the exhibit above, but this shifts the roadway to minimize impacts to three driveways. It would require a closed drainage system in place of the ditch between Thomas Lawton Drive and the 1st curve.
- Alljoy Rd Conceptual_Alt 2: Proposed 8’ pathway conceptual exhibit and one-way travel lane, but this reverses the one-way loop which improves the traffic flow for the residential properties and boat landing. At Thomas Lawton Drive, all traffic would turn right and this would allow boat traffic to drive straight into the boat landing and exit.
Existing Conditions:
At the Thomas Lawton Drive/Alljoy Road one-way intersection, Thomas Lawton Drive and the one-way segment are stop-controlled, and Alljoy Road two-way segment is free-flow. Residents have stated there are operation issues when the boat landing is busy and traffic will queue on the one-way segments. They also discussed safety issues with vehicles taking the 1st curve too fast.
Proposed Conditions:
Alljoy Rd Conceptual and Alljoy Rd Conceptual_Alt1: At the Thomas Lawton Drive/Alljoy Road one-way intersection, it is recommended to convert this intersection to a 3-way stop, if it meets SCDOT’s criteria. Eastbound Alljoy Road traffic would be converted to stop-controlled. This would provide an opportunity for traffic on the other roads to make their turns.
Alljoy Rd Conceptual_Alt 2: It is recommended to convert this intersection to a 3-way stop, if it meets SCDOT’s criteria. By reversing the traffic flow on the “Loop”, it allows for improved traffic flow into and out of the boat landing and would improve operations at the proposed 3-way stop.
If an option is selected, the curves and the intersection would be evaluated using vehicle-turn templates for boat traffic traveling through the “Loop”, and improvements designed, if needed.
8’ Pathway:
- Accommodates multiple users such as bicyclists, walkers, runners, etc.
- Minimum width allowed by American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
- Requires 2-FT shoulders on each side
- 5-FT recommended offset from roadway edge of pavement unless a physical separation
5’ Sidewalk:
- Recommended width by AASHTO
- Accommodates 2 pedestrians side-by-side or 1 pedestrian passing another pedestrian
- Not recommended or promoted for other users, and dependent on local ordinances, other users may be prohibited
- Requires 1-FT shoulder
- 2-FT minimum offset from roadway edge of travel lane
The pathway would be located in the present SCDOT R/W. Between Burnt Church Road and Thomas Lawton Drive, a minimum 5-ft grassed shoulder will exist between the roadway edge of pavement and pathway. Around the “Loop”, a 4-FOOT wide x 4-INCH high concrete island provides the separation between the pathway and travel lane.