- The US 278 Corridor Improvements project runs along the US 278 corridor from Moss Creek Drive in Bluffton to Spanish Wells Road on Hilton Head Island. This project is to address structural deficiencies at the existing eastbound Mackay Creek bridge, increase capacity, and reduce congestion within the project limits
- The project is partially funded through a combination of funding sources to include the 2018 Penny Referendum, SCDOT and the State Infrastructure Bank (SIB).
- SCDOT is currently refining the design and preparing to present a preferred alternative to the public
For more information, visit SCDOT’s website at www.scdot278corridor.com
Lady’s Island Corridor Traffic Improvements
- The 2018 Penny Referendum allocated $30 million for numerous projects along the US 21/SC 802 corridor to improve traffic
- Nine projects are included in the proposed corridor improvement and were developed as part of the 2017 Lady’s Island Corridor Study.
- A current update is provided for several of these projects in the 2021 Lady’s Island Traffic Study.
View Project Information for the Improvements
Airport Frontage Road
US 21 Airport Area and Frontage Road includes improvements that will provide reduced travel delays and improve access management. They would also provide Little Creek Road and Lost Island Road access to the traffic signal. Phase 1 is from US 21 to Lost Island Road. Phase 2 is from Lost Island Road to Little Creek Road.
Project Phase 1:
Design Team: Ward Edwards, Inc. with Surveying Consultants and Kimley‐Horn & Associates, Inc.
Project Cost: $3,061,150
Project Phase 2:
Design Team: Davis & Floyd, Inc.
Revised Project Budget: $2,000,000
Original 2017 Study Project Budget for both phases: $4,980,000
Beaufort High School Access Realignment
Beaufort High School Access Realignment project includes a new roadway from the Carolyn Drive/Youmans Road intersection to US 21 (Lady’s Island Drive), connecting to the existing Hazel Farm Road intersection. This option was selected based on public comments. It will also include pedestrian and bicycle facilities on both sides of the new roadway and one side of Youmans Drive from Carolyn Drive to Meridian Road. A new roundabout is proposed at the Meridian Road/Youmans Drive intersection, and a pathway will be constructed on one side within the project limits. A new connection from the Access Realignment to the school’s front entrance is included. Geechie Road at Sea Island Parkway will be converted to right-in/right-out and the signal will be removed.
Project Phase:
Design Team: Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Original 2017 Study Project Budget: $1,792,000
Revised Project Budget: $8,000,000 ($190,603.45 expended)
Hazel Farm Road and Gay Drive
The Hazel Farm Road and S-7-497 Gay Drive project would include paving of Hazel Farm Road, improvements to Gay Drive, construction of the roundabout, pedestrian accommodations along Inlet Road, installation of new traffic signals at each end, and signal interconnection with the US 21 / SC 802 signal. Upgrading these roads would provide beneficial street connectivity, increased pedestrian and bike safety, and congestion relief for the main intersection. With new signal implementation, this project is interdependent with improvements to mainline SC 802/US 21 Bus (Sea Island Parkway) and alignment of the new Lady’s Island Middle School Access project. Addition of turn lanes, realignment of the middle school access, and median work to provide access management is needed at the connection of Hazel Farm at SC 802 and Gay Drive at US 21 Bus (Sea Island Parkway) to provide the full benefit of the signal interconnection
Project Phase:
Design Team: Davis & Floyd, Inc.
Original 2017 Study Project Budget: $2,984,000
Revised Project Budget: $10,200,000
Lady’s Island Middle School Access Road
The new Lady’s Island Middle School Access project includes realigning the main entrance road to the middle school with Gay Drive and tie-ins to the middle school driveways, existing Cougar Drive, and Robin Drive. Pedestrian accommodations will be along both sides of the new alignment and one side of Robin Drive. Cougar Drive would converted to a right-in/right-out or be closed. The benefits of this configuration include safer access to US 21 and street connectivity with the surrounding neighborhood near Robin drive.
Project Phase:
Design Team: Davis & Floyd, Inc.
Original 2017 Study Project Budget: $1,483,000
Revised Project Budget: $7,200,000
Mayfair Court Extension
Extension of Mayfair Court to William Street involves a new roadway connection and is dependent upon coordination with property owners. The Mayfair Court Extension is warranted before or during improvements to SC 802 (Sam’s Point Road) are made, as a median will be installed on SC 802. The Mayfair Court Extension may be combined with the mainline improvements. This benefits roadway connectivity and traffic progression on mainline SC 802 (Sam’s Point Road).
Project Phase:
Design Team: Davis & Floyd, Inc.
Original 2017 Study Project Budget: $450,000
Revised Project Budget: $800,000 ($1,847.75 expended)
Meadowbrook Drive Extension
Extension of Meadowbrook Drive to Dow Road involves roadway work in existing right of way. The extension would increase roadway connectivity with access to the proposed signal at Gay Drive. This will be beneficial when Dow Road becomes right-in right-out. The Meadowbrook Drive Extension is not dependent on other projects, but its benefits would not be fully realized without US 21 Sea Island Parkway and Gay Drive improvements.
Project Phase:
Design Team: Davis & Floyd, Inc.
Original 2017 Study Project Budget: $776,500
Revised Project Budget: $1,000,000 ($1,847.75 expended)
Sam’s Point Turn Lane
This project includes the addition of the right turn lane at SC 802 (Sam’s Point Road) and US 21 Business. The dedicated right turn lane would open the existing right turn lane for conversion to a thru lane at the signal. This would benefit the intersection by providing relief for the heavy morning peak right turn movement and capacity for the through movement.
Construction will begin in January 2021.
Project Phase:
Design Team: Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Contractor: APAC Atlantic
Original 2017 Study Project Budget: $761,000
Project Cost: $789,949
Sunset Boulevard and Miller Drive West
Sunset Boulevard (S-7-186) and Miller Drive West (S-7-187) includes improvements to both streets, installation of a new traffic signal at the Miller Drive West intersection with SC 802 with signal interconnection with the US 21 / SC 802 signal. This would increase pedestrian safety on Sunset Boulevard and Miller Drive and provide congestion relief for the main US 21 / SC 801 intersection. These improvements are interdependent with the US 21 / SC 802 mainline project and the Beaufort High School Access Realignment.
Project Phase:
Design Team: Davis & Floyd, Inc.
Original 2017 Study Project Budget: $4,482,000
Revised Project Budget: $8,100,000
US 21 Business, US 21, and SC 802 Mainline Improvements
US 21 Business, US 21, and SC 802 Mainline includes all improvements to both corridors. The improvements include medians for access management, grass buffers and multi-use paths, lighting, and landscaping. These improvements would create a complete-streets feel to the corridor and benefits include enhancing bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, safety, and improved vehicular progression. The full benefit of this project is interdependent with completion of the other projects.
NOTE: US 21 Business Mainline Improvements are on hold.
Project Phase:
Design Team: Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Original 2017 Study Project Budget: $10,776,000
Revised Project Budget: $44,000,000
Sidewalks and Multi-Use Pathways
- The 2018 Penny Referendum allocated $10 million to 24 projects involving 31 roads. Due to a funding shortfall, County Council established 14 priority projects to begin the program. To view these priority projects click here.
- The County will seek additional funding in the form of state or federal grants, and public-private partnerships to build as many pathways and sidewalks.
- The first virtual public meeting revised project priority; click here to view Meeting 1 Summary and Recommendation. Due to additional funding sources, the County is proceeding with these active projects shown below.
Alljoy Road
One 6′ sidewalk from Burnt Church Road to Thomas Lawton Drive.
Project Phase:
Note: No R/W Acquisition is required. Project will remain within present R/W.
Design Team: Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Original Conceptual Budget: $750,000
Revised Project Budget: $2,600,000 (TAP grant: $1,177,868.71)
Big Estate Road
One 8′ sidewalk on Big Estate Road from US Highway 17 to Big Estate Circle, approximately 1.5 miles
Project Phase:
Design Team: Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Original Conceptual Budget: $2,700,000
Revised Project Budget: $3,000,000
Broad River Boulevard to Riley Road
5′ Sidewalk from existing sidewalk on Broad River Boulevard and continuing on Riley Road for approximately 2,100 feet
Project Phase:
Design Team: Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Original Conceptual Budget: $1,100,000
Revised Project Budget: $1,200,000
Broad River Drive
5′ sidewalk on Broad River Drive from Shell Point Road to Parris Island Gateway
Project Phase:
Design Team: Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Original Conceptual Budget: $2,600,000
Revised Project Budget: $2,900,000
Burton Hill Road
10′ Multi-use path on the east side of Burton Hill Road from Old Salem Road to Broad River Boulevard and a proposed crosswalk to connect to the existing pathway on the south side of Broad River Boulevard to Boundary Street
Project Phase:
Design Team: Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Original Conceptual Budget: $1,064,000
Revised Project Budget: $2,900,000
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Laurel Bay Road
10′ multi-use path on the north side of Laurel Bay Road from the Laurel Bay Military Housing Complex to US 21 (Trask Parkway)
Project Phase:
Note: No R/W acquisition is required. Project will remain within present R/W.
Design Team: Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Original Conceptual Budget: $3,284,000
Revised Project Budget: $4,900,000 (SCDVA Grant: $3,392,328)
Meridian Road
10′ multi-use path from Lady’s Island Drive to Sea Island Parkway. The proposed design also includes a crosswalk on Lady’s Island Drive
Project Phase:
Design Team: Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Original Conceptual Budget: $3,270,000
Revised Project Budget: $3,600,000
Middle Road
8′ sidewalk from Walnut Hill Street to Fly Catcher Lane and 5′ sidewalk from Fly Catcher Lane to Sam’s Point Road.
Project Phase:
Design Team: Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Original Conceptual Budget: $1,500,000
Revised Project Budget: $2,600,000
Old Salem Road
10′ multi-use path from proposed Burton Hill Pathway to proposed Salem Road Pathway
Project Phase:
Design Team: Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Original Conceptual Budget: $1,250,000
Revised Project Budget: $1,400,000
Shad Avenue
5′ sidewalk/10′ multi-use path on Shad Avenue from Alljoy Road to tie-in to proposed Ulmer Road pathway
Project Phase:
Design Team: Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Original Conceptual Budget: $1,509,000
Revised Project Budget: $1,600,000
Ulmer Road
10′ multi-use path on Ulmer Road from Burnt Church Road to the proposed pathway on Shad Road
Project Phase:
Design Team: Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC
Original Conceptual Budget: $1,447,000
Revised Project Budget: $1,600,000