The goals of the proposed 2024 Sales and Use Tax Referendum (the penny tax) are to address Beaufort County infrastructure needs through the completion of transportation and mobility projects amidst growth in our region. According to the latest census data, South Carolina is the fastest-growing state in the nation, and Beaufort County is one of the fastest-growing counties within South Carolina. The referendum question, to be placed on the ballot in November 2024, will ask voters to approve a one percent (1%) sales and use tax in Beaufort County beginning the following year (2025) and continuing for ten (10) years, or until $950 million in funds are raised, whichever occurs first.

Watch the informational presentation on the Referendum HERE.

Beaufort County Special Sales and Use Tax

Question 1

I approve a special sales and use tax in the amount of one percent (1%) to be imposed in Beaufort County for not more than ten (10) years, or until a total of $950,000,000 in resulting revenue has been collected, whichever occurs first, to fund the following projects:

Project (1) For financing the costs of highways, roads, streets, bridges, and other transportation-related projects facilities related thereto including, but not limited to, drainage facilities relating to the highways, roads, streets, bridges, and other transportation-related projects; and mass transit systems operated by Beaufort County or jointly operated by the County and other governmental entities $900,000,000.

Project (2) For financing the costs of greenbelt initiatives $50,000,000.

Instructions to Voters: All qualified electors desiring to vote in favor of levying the special sales and use tax shall vote “YES” and All qualified electors opposed to levying the special sales and use tax shall vote “NO.”

_____  Yes, In favor of the question

_____  No, Opposed to the question

Question 2

I approve the issuance of not exceeding $515,000,000 of general obligation bonds of Beaufort County, maturing over a period not to exceed ten (10) years and payable from the special sales and use tax described in Question 1 above, to fund completion of projects from among the categories described in Question 1 above.

Instructions to Voters: All qualified electors desiring to vote in favor of levying the special sales and use tax shall vote “YES” and All qualified electors opposed to levying the special sales and use tax shall vote “NO.”

_____  Yes, In favor of the question

_____  No, Opposed to the question